
ProFusion Expo 2016 & What's Been Happening Lately

Hey Everyone!

I'm finally caught up since coming back from vacation! I've been meaning to write this blog for weeks but when I came back from Scotland, Mac my eldest dog and my everything was having some issues. I don't want to get into too much detail but he has had heart problems all of his life and for the last 2 months things have gotten worse. For a few weeks there, it was the most scariest and hardest thing we have had to deal with. After taking him to the vet and getting him on some medication an monitoring his heart, he is doing so much better! I'm planning shoots again now that he's on the mend and is getting better day by day. We are just taking it one day at a time but he was my priority for the last few weeks.

Anyway! Onto my blog for today. I wanted to write a little bit about my time in Toronto at the ProFusion Expo. Buuut I go in depth in the February Issue of Practical Photography Magazine (out soon!). So be sure to pick up a copy at your local store to read all about it ;)

Thank you so incredibly much to Vistek and Elinchrom LTD! Thank you so much to Gary for giving me this opportunity and believing in me. It was a pleasure meeting everyone from Vistek Toronto and Bram from Switzerland! A huge thank you to everyone who came out to watch me speak. Thank you for coming up after the show to ask me questions, talk to me and even ask for selfies. The amazing team of ladies I had: beauties Olivia and Julia from Anita Morris Models and the wonderful Ann Oster. You ladies are incredible, I could not have done it without you thank you so much! Last but definitely not least I just want to thank my amazing fiancé. He travelled with me and was my assistant for the 2 days we were there. You were such a huge support and help for me. I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me. Love you! And my amazing parents, in-laws and everyone else who supported me from near and far. You have no idea what your support means to me. Thank you! 

For those who inquired about workshops/mentoring sessions please keep an eye out for an announcement. They will be happening!

I have some amazing editorials coming up after my winter sessions so be sure to keep an eye out! The New Year is looking to be amazing!

Until next time,

Lisa-Marie xo


Lisa-Marie Photography Turns 4!

Hello Everyone!

Today is Lisa-Marie Photography's birthday! This time four years ago I was in my 3rd and final year of University, I was experimenting with fashion and beauty photography and knew in my heart I had found what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I was unsure of starting up a Facebook page, I was weary about showing my work. As artists I think we are our own worst critics and I was scared that no one would like my style of photography. I'm going to get a little personal here, all of my life I have dealt with bullying. My self-confidence was completely shattered at a young age, and it took a long time for me to love myself. This came across in showcasing my work, I was terrified of how well (or not so well) it would be accepted. I contemplated for so long putting my work out there and finally on the afternoon of August 17th, 2012 I opened myself and my work to the world.

Words cannot express how grateful I am for everyone who has supported me from the beginning and to those who have recently found my work. The messages and emails I receive on a daily basis bring me so much joy, to know my work is appreciated all over the world is so overwhelming in the best possible way. I could not have dreamed of this when I first started four years ago. 

I love going back and seeing how much I have grown over the last four years, I love seeing my style evolve. Everyone needs to start somewhere, in 2012 I was so incredibly proud of this image. I was just learning studio lighting and was honestly afraid of it. I never knew how to control my light so when I captured this, I remember feeling so excited and couldn't wait to show it off. It was so well received and this image is what got my name out there in my city. Looking back at the image I cringe a little at the lighting and retouching but when I first shot and edited this I was so happy and that's all that matters. Now, four years later I am doing more studio/beauty work and getting out of my comfort zone. I didn't realize how much I have grown until I put these images side by side. If you're a photographer, I highly recommend you put one of your first photos next to one of your most recent and you will see such a difference. The image from this year is by far a favourite of mine, the team I worked with are such amazing ladies and we all pushed each other out of our comfort zone. I see a major difference not only in my lighting, but my retouching skills also. I'm so proud looking at these and seeing how far I have come. I cannot wait to see where my work will be in another four years!


The last 4 years have been such a journey. I have met so many amazing people and continue to meet such talented artists. I love this community, I learn so much from other artists and they help me grow as a photographer. I could spend forever individually thanking everyone I have met and worked with so I'm just going to write a big THANK YOU to all those individuals I have had the pleasure of working with, you are all amazing!

I am so happy that four years ago I swallowed my nerves and put my work out there, I created a little Facebook page to post my work and show my family and friends. Now four years later I have been internationally published, asked to travel to different cities and countries, internationally recognized and receive messages daily from people who admire my work.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I will be eternally grateful for everyone who has supported me. 

Thank you and until next time,

Lisa-Marie x